So we had decided to wait until Lily was potty trained before we started thinking about getting pregnant again. We have two girls and really want a boy. But all week I haven't felt quite right and I'm supposed to be getting my period this weekend but I normally have cramping all week before I get my period. I thought I would just take a test to double check and lo-an-behold a very faint line can be seen!!! So I freaked out and cried because we really don't need this right now, we are barely getting by because of all the debt we have racked up and the next year was supposed to be full of me working and us paying down debt before we get preggo again. Anyways so I called Ed in and told him we might have a little problem and he looked at the test and was like "is this some kind of joke?".
Anyways, a few hours later I took the second test that came in the box to double check and another very faint line showed up. I'm going to make a run over to CVS once I put the kiddos to bed and grab one of those digital ones and try again tonight and in the morning. If they both come up positive then I will have to call the dr office and make an appointment to come in. aaahhhh I have no idea how I even feel about this yet.....
soooo since my last blog I took about 5 test, all BFP... made a dr's appt but they won't see me until aug 17th. Its sinking in that we're having another baby, sure hope its a boy so I can be
We've told some people but not hubby's dad or stepmom yet. We're very afraid that they are going to think we are being irresponsible. Even though this soooo was NOT planned....
Other than that I'm just trying to take it easy, my mom is really excited. I think she figured that because she has stage 4 cancer that she wouldn't get to meet all her grandchildren if I didn't have them right away... lol. The baby is even due on her birthday which would be awesome. She says if she's feeling well in March she will fly out for a couple weeks when the baby is born, which would be FANTASTIC!!!
Finally got in to see the doctor and they did the dating ultrasound. YAY. They changed my due date to march 23rd but oh well its just one day!
We had our gender scan today!
The lady showed us the profile, the leg, the hands, pointed out the ribcage and bladder and the little baby toes! Then she took a photo to show the gender, and the second it came up on the screen my hubby was like " omg..." and the lady was like "yup it is" and he was all "really... its a... its a boy?" and she said "yup you're right, no mistaking it!"
Yay!! we're soo thrilled, hubby cried!! lol
I still have not had time to finish painting Lily's room, although now I have to try and incorporate the new baby into that room too. My hubby is set on having Classic Winnie the Pooh for the new baby (little man), but all Lily's stuff is Ladybugs... how in the world am I going to make that mesh well together???? They will only be sharing a room for maybe 4 years and then the two girls will be in together but until then I have to come up with some kind of solution. We also have to get Lily a toddler bed soon, I figure if we get it for her for around her second birthday, that should be right when the baby is out of the bassinet and needs the crib... so fingers crossed that it works out that way!!
I still feel really unprepared for this baby but I'm still chalking it up to the fact that I can't even start organizing the baby's stuff or the room or anything because the room isn't painted yet and Lily's stuff isn't even organized yet.
So its already halfway through November and it seems like the time is just flying by!!! I got the nursery painted and all the stuff up from the basement and washed and put away, I even got a closet organizer from walmart for half price and got it installed too!! The only thing I can't find is the cover for the baby swing, I must have shoved it in a box with christmas stuff so I'm hoping I find it when I start decorating.
I also finally got a few baby clothes, from this consignment shop called Kid to Kid. They are pretty picky about the kind of items they accept from people to resell so I feel ok about buying from them. Some of the things I got still had the tags on them and I spent about $40 on about $100-$200 worth of clothes. Everything there is usually only $1 or $2 each. They are a national chain and have stores all over the place and I'm sure some are run better than others but I like the one here, its set up really nice and you can't even tell when you first walk in thats its a consignment shop. They suck for selling stuff to, they give you next to nothing for things, but if you need to buy stuff I love it.
I've been picking up a few more baby items here and there when I have some extra $$ and my MIL has been sending us things she buys on ebay. One of DH's sisters has bought us some things too. I think we will be okay for clothes now but I still have other things I need to get before he's born.
The things I still need to get are.... a bedding set, some extra blankets, receiving blankets, pacifiers, these lavender disposable washcloths I had with DD that were AWESOME for the first month before the umbilical stump falls off. Some new nipples for bottles, a double stroller, some type of outerwear for the first 3 months when its still chilly, possibly a gender neutral diaper bag, new nipple guards for ME to protect my poor chapped BBs, lanolin ointment for me too, and breast pads. Whew... I think thats it... although I would like to pick up a diff type of thermometer.. a pacifier one or maybe one of those temporal artery ones... the one we have just sucks!!!
I still can't find the swing cover from the basement!!! I have two more boxes to check later this week and if I can't find it then I will either get a new swing or see how much the replacement parts are. They have some super cheap swings at Kid to Kid so I would NOT spend full price.. the one we have is old and bulky and ugly anyway so I wouldn't feel too bad about getting rid of it.
Too much stress!!! ugh
okay so I've been slowly trying to get things organized for this baby and get everything together in the cheapest way possible. So far this is what I DO have:
sleepers(still need more)
changing pad
diaper bag
activity center
nursing pillow
bottle liners
powdered formula
diaper pail
BUT... I still need to get TONS of stuff
cover for carseat
head pad for carseat
warm outerwear
convertible highchair seat for DD because she wont be using the big highchair anymore
toddler bed and mattress for DD because the baby will have the crib
DOUBLE stroller
more sleepers cuz its still chilly in march
bottle nipples
bath shampoo/baby wash stuff
infant tylenol
new nipple guard
lanolin cream
breast pads
couple nursing tops
liquid formula (just in case)
new thermometer
Crib bedding set for a boy
bassinet for in our room
oh my goodness it seems like soooo much stuff.... ugh... although there's only a couple big things on the list.. if I just pick away at it I should get done. I don't want to be worrying about it until after Christmas cuz we are tight enough for money for the holidays and I've got 3 months left after December to get everything. Probably the most expensive thing on the list is the double stroller which I found for like $150, and then the bassinet $30, toddler bed $50, mattress $30, Crib bedding I'll say $100 (its sooo expensive nowadays), convertible highchair seat $30, everything else is prob around $20 or $30 each. Wow it sure adds up, thats already more than $400!! ugh...
So its a new year and I realised I hadn't updated my blogs in a while so I figured I would get right on that. I still have soooo much to get done before this little man gets here and I really dont think I have enough time to do it all.
As for the baby, I have gotten a lot of things for him and I'm ALMOST ready in that regards. We picked up a bassinet but its missing two pieces and so we have to call and get them to ship them, I hope they are here before he is!! I also need to sort through the clothes in DH and my room and get rid of some so we can downsize some of the furniture. We have a really small bedroom and there is just too much stuff in there. I also still need to pick up a lot of things for the baby, like the baby book, diapers, formula, a double stroller.. etc etc.... And then we also need to get a toddler bed for DD, but she's such a hellion I'm beginning to wonder if I would rather keep her in a crib longer... but then that will mean that we would have to buy a second crib, but they do have some convertible ones that are around $150 I could get.
I cant believe this baby is going to be here in 10 weeks... I feel soo frazzled... maybe I wont be as stressed once I don't have to haul my prego butt into work... only 2 weeks to go and no more retail!! YAY!!
So I've got 12 days left until my induction, a part of me kind of hopes I go early but at least I have a date set that I know I won't go past! It really is a huge relief, especially seeing as my mil booked her flight for the day before my induction. I've been stressing since my dr starting doing my internals at week 35 because I wasn't dilating and nothing was happening at all. I HAD to be dilated to a 1 or she wouldn't induce me. At least now I don't have to worry about that anymore.
I still have stuff I need to get done before this one is born though. I still need to get diapers.
Other than those things I am pretty well ready, my hospital bag and diaper bag are packed, I have everything washed, cleaned and put away, carseat base installed in the car too. I can pay off some bills later tonight and get that all ready so dh doesn't have to worry about it while I'm in the hospital. I think I'll be coming home from the hospital on the 18th which is his payday and I don't want to be dealing with bills when I get home, so I have to schedule everything ahead of time. Things are finally starting to fall into place.
I'm getting really excited about this baby and the house and everything, which is a big step from where I was when I first found out I was pregnant this time. I'm hoping I don't get as depressed after this birth as I did with dd though. I think it was partially because dh didn't really get how things had changed last time, so hopefully this time it will be different.
Even though I'm scheduled for an induction a part of me still wants to go into labor on my own and not need to have pitocin... but I highly doubt that is going to happen. My babies just like to stay inside as long as possible I guess. lol
Edward`s birthstory
Well we got to the hospital at 8am, got admitted and then up to L&D to get hooked up. The first IV slipped out and they had to start a second one. My dr showed up at 9am and broke my water and started pitocin for the induction.
The contractions were coming along really nicely but the baby`s heart rate kept dropping to 60bpm with each contraction so the nurses gave me oxygen and started having me switch sides back and forth. After about an hour of this my dr came back and checked me again and I was only 2 cm dilated so she put an electrode on the baby`s head internally in order to get a better reading on his bpm. After another hour she came back and turned off the pitocin because his heart rate was still dropping, she checked me and I was only dilated to a 3. His heart rate seemed ok once they stopped the pitocin and I was having strong contractions on my own so they left me like that for another hour. The pain was getting really intense so they gave me some nubain which made me dozy and took the edge off. About an hour later I started getting really bad contractions and felt the need to push but his heart rate had started dropping again.The dr came in and checked me and I was only to a 4cm. At this point I was in so much pain and the dr told me that the drop in heart rate was probably due to the umbilical cord being pinched off and we might need a c-section.
The pain was horrendous - not like my first two births at all, so I finally caved and got the epidural. It wasn`t as bad as I thought it would be, but right after they started the epidural the nurse had to put a catheter in. They always check your dilation after they do that and when she was checking she felt something that wasn`t the baby`s head. My dr came in and checked me and because there had been so much gushing of amniotic fluid it had forced the umbilical cord down on top of the baby`s head across the opening of the cervix. Every contraction was literally suffocating him and I was already dilated to a 5 so they had to rush me for a c-section.
My dr was on the bed with me, her entire hand up my vj trying to push the baby`s head off the cord so we had time to get to the OR. My dh wasn`t allowed in the room and they told me that because I had just gotten the epidural it may not be fully functioning yet and I might have to be blacked out. Thats when I started crying, but the staff was really good and got me all hooked up and he was out within 4 minutes.
He scored 9.9/10 on the apgar scale but I didn`t get to hold him because they had to rush him to the nicu to test his blood to see if there were high levels of a gas toxin caused from lack of oxygen. Then when they were stitching me up something went wrong and I started bleeding so badly I could see it splashing up on the curtain in front of my face. They got that under control but had to order an x-ray in order to make sure they didn`t leave any surgical tools inside my abdomen because they hadn`t had time to count the instruments before they started. I was in recovery until 9pm and didn't get to hold or see my baby until the next day. DH told me he was fine, and the doctors came by and said he was healthy and the testing came back all clear.
They started trying to get me to sit up the day after surgery and I kept fainting. Thank god dh was there because the nurses weren't coming at all. I remember getting light headed and telling dh I was going to faint and then I blacked out. I remember opening my eyes to seeing dh screaming for nurses and pushing the call button but I couldn't hear anything. They eventually came but dh was mad it took them so long. I fainted probably 4 or 5 more times after that and nobody could figure out why. They tested my hemoglobin levels, my blood pressure, my heart rate, etc etc... everything came back normal.
After two days my dr came in and said that she thinks I was having an adverse reaction to the antibiotics they gave me after the surgery. As soon as they were out of my system I stopped fainting. So now I have to remember not to ever have ncef antibiotics again.
But thankfully I am home now, and just need to recover and take care of my little man.
He was born March 16th at 4:56pm weighing 7 lbs 0 ozs.